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The Game Is On

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So after setting up octopress and learning how to use it and deploy using Github, I have finally set out to blogging, which I wanted to start for a long time but was everytime too lazy to set up my computer.

Now, for a novice like me, this blogging technique is much different from the regular blogging websites, like Wordpress, since you have to work using the terminal (shell) of your system, and to be honest, it is much more fun this way. It gives you more of a hacker's feel as you have to do a lot of shell scripting. Moreover, markdown language makes writing posts easier as well as interesting.

I'm looking forward to explore the functionalities this blogging service can provide, and experiment with the third party plugins to get more features.

One more reason I couldn't start a blog earlier was that I wasn't sure about the content I would put in it. Now that I've started competitive programming and some web development, I would post about problem solving skills and algorithms (as I learn along), personal experiences, and also anything that is worth sharing and I find could be of service to you.

Comments and feedbacks are always welcome, and I am also keen to follow more blogs, so get in touch.
